sambas blogger community

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Mycotoxins 2011

“Mycotoxins 2011” was the title of a one-day scientific meeting which was held on March 8 , 2011 in Thailand. A wide range of mycotoxin-related issues were discussed by a group of speakers from different countries (1). The meeting was scheduled one day before the start of VIV Asia 2011. In this blog, I do not want to talk about mycotoxins as there have already been so many publications (in peer-reviewed journals and trade magazines) discussing mycotoxins from different standpoints. However, I would like to raise a few points and I hope that you will share your experiences here: • How significant are mycotoxin-associated problems in the poultry industry in your country? • How often do you test your farm rations for mycotoxins?  If not often, what are the limiting factors for not doing that? • Do you include commercially available mycotoxin binders in your poultry farm feed?   If so, how effective do you think they are? Reference: 1- day=1&conf=15&noday=15&prog=15